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CD - “Hear it in Tlingit” Audio CD with Mini Phrasebook

CD - “Hear it in Tlingit” Audio CD with Mini Phrasebook

Lingít X’éináx Áx! Hear it in Tlingit--A Tlingit Mini Phrasebook and CD: This material was adapted from Lingít X’éináx Sá! Say it in Tlingit, which was published by SHI in 2002. However,...

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Lingít X’éináx Áx! Hear it in Tlingit--A Tlingit Mini Phrasebook and CD: This material was adapted from Lingít X’éináx Sá! Say it in Tlingit, which was published by SHI in 2002. However, the CD offers new phrases and topic areas and allows users to hear the words. The mini phrasebook fits into the CD case, which holds two discs with audio covering 17 subject areas, including topics such as introductions, colors and greetings. Each track includes several phrases, which are printed in the mini phrasebook and recorded on the CD in Tlingit and English. The booklet was edited by SHI Linguist Keri Edwards and Tlingit speaker John Marks, who also narrated the Tlingit phrases on the CD, and Richard Dauenhauer and Nora Marks Dauenhauer, authors of Lingít X’éináx Sá! Say it in Tlingit. Tlingit is an American Indian language of Southeast Alaska and adjacent portions of British Columbia and the Yukon Territory. It is classified linguistically as part of the Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit language family because it shows clear similarities in grammatical structure to the Eyak and Athabaskan languages. These Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit languages are unique, carrying to exquisite heights an attention to the detail of the form of an object when determining how to use an accompanying verb. The Tlingit language itself is unique in four sounds that seem to be found in no other language on our planet.   

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